A Guide To Ketamine Infusion Therapy Aftercare
A New Paradigm for Healing
When you have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, anxiety, or chronic pain, or if you suffer from suicidal ideation, ketamine therapy may be a great help to you, especially if traditional options have not worked.
What is Ketamine Therapy?
Firstly, you may have the question of what are ketamine infusions? What are the benefits of ketamine? Does insurance cover it? Also, how did it find its way into being used to treat depression?
Originally, IV ketamine was used as an anesthetic in operating theaters and emergency rooms. In recent times, it has found its way into being used to aid in the long-term management of treatment-resistant depression and similar mental health conditions. Ketamine infusion therapy is now considered a viable and safe alternative or addition to traditional medications to treat depression symptoms, as well as those linked to anxiety, PTSD, C-PTSD, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is FDA-approved and is considered favorably by patients, who note it has less impact than the side effects that can come with many traditional antidepressant medications.
What Happens During An Infusion?
Ketamine infusion therapy is administered at a clinic on an outpatient basis. This has the benefit of the person receiving ketamine being able to go home on the same day, as the side effects of infusion therapy are manageable in an outpatient setting. Though having a ride to and from is required.
Before the infusion therapy, you will need to have a consultation with our team at Daydream MD to assess if the ketamine infusion therapy would benefit you. Ketamine therapy is not suited to everyone, and our team will thoroughly investigate your health and well-being before offering it.
Once we deem you suitable, you will be booked in for ketamine therapy at our clinic in San Diego. As suggested, the ketamine treatment is administered through an IV drip in the arm or as an intramuscular injection. Our team will ask you to sit or lie down in a comfortable position while the ketamine works to help reduce the symptoms of depression. The infusion will take between 40 and 60 minutes, and a team member will be on hand to monitor your blood pressure and ensure that you are doing well psychologically.
Please note that ketamine treatment is likely to make you feel dizzy, drowsy, or disassociated. Some people find this sensation pleasant, and others find it concerning. We believe that it is a valuable part of the ketamine treatment. You may feel separated from your body, like you are floating or that the world around you isn't real. We will be there to help guide you through this, but once the infusion is removed from your arm, these effects will be minimized.
After the infusion, our team will monitor you until you feel back to regular consciousness.
Ketamine Aftercare Tips
For the ketamine treatment to work, you will need to engage in some aftercare. One of the most common FAQs we receive is 'How long will the effects of the treatment last?' To help prolong them, you will need to stay hydrated. We advise that you do not operate heavy machinery on the day of the infusion to ensure you are kept safe.
We also advise that you take the rest of the day off of work and avoid strenuous activities.
So, no marathons or house painting! You may feel great after the infusion, but for the ketamine to work its magic, you need to relax. Many people will feel sedated post-treatment but will bounce back in a few hours after the infusion has been stopped. We are also aware that for some people, ketamine therapy may have a sedative effect. In these cases, we advise patients to listen to their bodies and to take it all at their own pace.
You may feel nauseous after the therapy. We advise you to stay hydrated and eat small, light meals until the feeling subsides. Going back to the psychological effects, some patients report feeling introspective, calm, and at peace after the treatment. Others may even continue to feel a bit disassociated. This is part of the treatment, but it should resolve in a few hours after the infusion has been stopped. This sets the stage for the deep healing process, but we know this treatment stage can be difficult.